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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Animal Crossing System : Game Cube Date Added : 2002-10-10 09:17:34 Views : 38412 Items TO Get For Free Example: go to Tom Nook's shop and when he talks to you, select "Other Things." Then choose "Say Password."and type this in exactly as you see it. 100 Turnips Code: aPShDyYoeR685b afcAlkwcRCmqi3 Tell Tom Nook 100 Turnips Code: mRSMDqYokR685s &%OL&kwcRCmqi3 Tell: Villager 8 Mat Tatami Code: Di9xES@sTRJsYY sqo9cb#3UaKHs3 Tell: Tom Nook 8 Mat Tatami Code: li9xES@sTRJsYY sqo9cb#3UaKHs3 Tell: Villager Angler Trophy Code: Wi9GES@sTRJhAA sf09cb#9vaKHL4 Tell: Tom Nook Azalea Bonsai Code: NmxIGWIeSLYAAC t6iMwbzCGvFs&Q Tell: Tom Nook Backpack Code: fi9GES@sTRJsAA sqO9cb#9UaKHL4 Tell: Tom Nook Balloon Fight Code: CbDahLBdaDh98d 9ub8ExzZKwu7Zl Tell: Tom Nook Barbecue Code: aPYhDyYoeR685b afZBlkwcRCmqi3 Tell: Tom Nook Barber's Pole Code: TGGu@@Zzfuq#0z b3Nn27lGVImPGG Tell: Tom Nook Barber's Pole Code: axxxxxxxxxxxxx S62Y2JsF0GE@iz Tell: Villager Big Festive Tree Code: lLhuwvEDA33emA dbgnvzbCIBAsyU Tell: Tom Nook Billiard Table Code: NmxIGWIeSLYAAC u6iMwbzCGvFs&Q Tell: Tom Nook Birthday Cake Code: Q6&6KQom9DzR35 8foDC4%EEpCmiR Tell: Tom Nook Biwa Lute Code: l6&6KQom9DzR35 kfLDC4%EEpCmiR Tell: Tom Nook Black Bishop Code: aDSLDyYoeR685b afRBlkwcRCmqi3 Tell: Tom Nook Black King Code: lLhuwvEDA23fmA dsgnvzbCIBAsyU Tell: Tom Nook Black Rook Code: aDShHyYoeR685b afyBlkwcRCmqi3 Tell: Tom Nook Black Queen Code: 1LhuwvEDA22fmA dagnvzbCvBAsyU Tell: Tom Nook Bluebell Fan Code: NmxIGWIeSLYFFC u6iMwbzCGvFsnQ Tell: Villager Blue Clock Code: 2%Q2fhMKhAyAY3 05yYAK9zNHxLo7 Tell: Tom Nook Blue Corner Code: Bi9xES@sTRJTAA sqO9cb#3UaKHs4 Tell: Tom Nook Blue Wardrobe Code: n1ACK6I9JE#Jf@ gHCeoBLaa7y%tE Tell: Tom Nook Bonfire Code: fi9xES@sTRJsAA sh09cb#9UaKH84 Tell: Tom Nook Boxing Barricade Code: Ai9xES@sTRJsAA sh09cb#9UaKHb4 Tell: Tom Nook Boxing Mat Code: li9xES@sTRJsYY sqO9cb#3UaKHq5 Tell: Tom Nook Boxing Mat Code: lnCaES@sTRJsAA sq09cb39Vak#84 Tell: Villager Bug Zapper Code: cPYhDyYoeR685b afZBlkwcRCmqiR Tell Tom Nook Cabana Bed Code: B6&6KQom9DzR35 DfkDC4%EEpCmiR Tell: Tom Nook Cabana Chair Code: 2%QafhMKhAyAY3 Z5yYAK9zNHxLo7 Tell: Tom Nook Cabana Screen Code: 2%Q3fhMdRByAY3 Z5yYAK9zyHxLo7 Tell: Villager Cabin Dresser Code: 11AcKGI9JE#Jf@ gHcebBLdG7Y%PE Tell: Tom Nook Cafe K.K. Code: jePccCvLTRJoBA pcddkwe9ej9wO4 Tell: Villager Cannon Code: IRSMDqYokR685s &%LO&kwcRCmqi3 Tell: Tom Nook Cannon Code: IUSMDqYokR685s &KLO&2wcRCmqi3 Tell: Villager Cello Code: 2%QqfhMeRByAY3 OKyYAK9zNHxLo7 Tell: Tom Nook Chalk Board Code: aDShHyYoeR685b afxBlkwcRCmqi3 Tell: Tom Nook Chowder Code: vi9GES@sTRJhAA sh09cb&9UaKHL4 Tell: Tom Nook Classic Cabinet Code: 2VzAOxZiZ3oGFI pfcocrw9ml@paP Tell: Villager Classic Chair Code: 11ACK6I9JE#Jf@ gHCeoBLaa7Y%PE Tell: Tom Nook Classic Hutch Code: 5ePiES@sTRQmAA sh&9cb#9Uh9w04 Tell: Tom Nook Classic Sofa Code: B6&6KQom9DzR35 RfyDC4%EEpCmiR Tell: Tom Nook Clu Clu Land Code: Crm%h4BNRyu98d 9uu8exzZKwu7Zl Tell: Tom Nook Coin Code: Ai9GES@sTRJsYz sh09cb39UaKHL4 Tell: Tom Nook Compass Code: adShDyYoeR685b PfQBlkwcRCmqi3 Tell: Tom Nook Cooler Code: vi9xES@sTRJhAA sh09cb&9UaKHI4 Tell: Tom Nook Cosmos Model 1 Code: cISIHBYokR685s &%LO&kwcRCmqi3 Tell: Tom Nook Cosmos Model 1 Code: cISIHBcB3iadra &%LO&kwcRCmqi3 Tell: Villager Cosmos Model 2 Code: Ai9xES@sTRJsAA sh09cb#9UaKHA4 Tell: Tom Nook Cosmos Model 3 Code: fi9xES@sTRJhAA sh09cb#9UaKHl4 Tell: Tom Nook Croakoid Code: iPFhDyYoeR%85b ufkBlkwcRCmqi3 Tell: Villager Daisy Meadow Code: 2Ea4vQLlTUq325 ajQpZfAv9wfYw# Tell: Tom Nook Desert Cactus Code: 8i9xES@sTRJsAA sh09cb#9UaKH84 Tell: Tom Nook Desert Vista Code: gES58yYoev685b BfMBlkwcRCmqi3 Tell: Tom Nook Detour Arrow Code: cAQifhGeBsyjYc nqBYAKxjeFdjop Tell: Tom Nook Dice Stereo Code: 1LhuwvEDA33fmA dbgnvzbCIBAsyU Tell: Tom Nook Djimbe Drum Code: 4PqRIYFs8D5tX2 U4TIZBKWagsKXi Tell: Villager Dolly Code: aPShDyYoeR685b PfbBlkwcRCmqi3 Tell: Tom Nook Donkey Kong Code: 2n5@N%8JUjE5fj ljcGr4%ync5EUp Tell: Tom Nook Donkey Kong Jr. MATH Code: bA5PC%8JUjE5fj ljcGr4%ync5EUp Tell: Tom Nook Donkey Kong Jr. MATH Code: jePccCvLTRJoBA pcddkwe9ej9rc4 Tell: Villager Draceana Code: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx S6nY2JIFOGE@iz Tell: Villager Dump Model Code: LLhOwvrDA22fmt dagnvzbCIBAsyd Tell: Tom Nook Ebony Piano Code: 2%Q3fhMeRByAY3 Z5yYAK9zcHxLo7 Tell: Villager Ebony Piano Code: 2%QRfhMdRByAY3 O5yYAK9zNHxLo7 Tell: Tom Nook Elephant Slide Code: NmxIGWIeSLYAAC u6iMwbzCGvFsn# Tell: Tom Nook Excitebike Code: 3%Q4fhMTRByAY3 05yYAK9zNHxLd7 Tell: Tom Nook Excitebike Code: 3%s4fhMCRByAY3 05yYAK9zNHxLd7 Tell: Villager Exotic Bed Code: 2%Q2fhVtRByAY3 O5yYAK9zNHxLo7 Tell: Tom Nook Fan Fan Code: cAQifhGeBsyjYc vqPYAKGaeFdjop Tell: Tom Nook Festive Tree Code: aDSLDyYoeR685b afoBlkwcRCmqi3 Tell: Tom Nook Fireflower Code 1kT1D0Y4k36851 84L613wcRCmqir Tell: Tom Nook Flagpole Code: Di9xES@sTRJsAA sqO9cb39Vak#84 Tell: Tom Nook Flying Saucer Code: 2%Q3EhMeRByAY3 n5yYAK9zcHxLo7 Tell: Villager Folding Chair Code: B6&6KQom9DzR35 8fkDC4%EEpCmiR Garbage Can Code: 2%43EhMeRByAY3 Z5yYAK9zcHxLo7 Tell: Villager Garden Pond Code: 2%Q2fhVeRByAY3 Z5yYAK9z9HxLo7 Tell: Tom Nook Gargloid Code: dq%cugkN&in76h y%TIL3HUo3QYqd Tell: Tom Nook Gerbera Code: 2%42fhMtRByAY3 O5yYAK9zgHxLo7 Tell: Tom Nook Glow Clock Code: aDShDyYoeR685b afaBlkwcRCmqi3 Tell: Tom Nook Golf Code: Crm%h4BNRbu98d 9un8exzZKwo7Zl Tell: Nook Green Desk Code: aD%3RxM3M#X3ao QPRxO8Q8xEITqv Tell: Villager Green Drum Code 2%Q2fhVeRByAY3 Z5yYAK9zNHxLo7 Tell: Tom Nook Hamster Cage Code: vPdhDyYoeR685b afZBlkwcRCmqi3 Tell Tom Nook Handcart Code: 2%Q2fhMeRByAY3 Z5yYAK9zNHxLo7 Tell: Tom Nook Handcart Code: 2%Q2fhMeRByAY3 Z5yYAK9zNfxLo7 Tell: Villager Harp Code: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx S6nY7JIFOGE@iz Tell: Villager Harmonoid Code: Bi9xES@sTRJTAA sq09cb#3UaKHs3 Tell: Tom Nook Harvest Bureau Code: Di9xES@sTRJsYY sqO9cb#3UaKHP5 Tell: Tom Nook >Harvest Chair Code: ifc74nVlY%zoI4 I5X@qSEncEKb0V Tell: Tom Nook Harvest Clock Code: R5ngoARS6I3iVL y&M6IJyNoWUBW4 Tell: Tom Nook Harvest Clock Code: R5ngoARS6I3iVL y&M6IJyNoWUBW4 Tell: Villager Harvest Dresser Code: fi9GES@sTRJsAA sqO9cb#9UaKHI4 Tell: Tom Nook Harvest T.V. Code: vPSYDyYoeR685b afZBlkwcRCmqi3 Tell: Tom Nook Harvest Wall Code: aPShDyYoeR685b AfhBlkwcRCmqi3 Tell: Tom Nook Hawthorn Bonsai NmxIGWIeSLYAAC t6iMwbzCGvFs&b Tell: Tom Nook Hi Fi Stereo Code: 1LhuwvEDA22emA dbgnvzbCvBAsyU Tell: Tom Nook High-End Stereo Code: aDSLDyYoeR685b afaBlkwcRCmqi3 Tell: Tom Nook Hinaningyo Code: PD%3RxM3M#X3ao 4PRxO8Q8xEITqv Tell: Villager House Model Code: aRShDyYoeR685b afZBlkwcRCmqi3 Tell: Tom Nook Howloid Code: Ai9xES@sTRMsYY shO9cb#9UaKHL1 Tell: Tom Nook Imperial KK Code: 3%J%cCcdSxWiIt givJsjsAznGVDB Tell: Tom Nook Imperial Wall: gaSX8yYoeR685b zfMBlkwcRCmqi3 Tell: Tom Nook Iron Frame Code: 2%Q3EhMeRByAY3 05yYAK9zNHxLo7 Tell: Tom Nook Jack-in-the-Box Code: 2%Q2fhVehAyAY3 Z5yYAK9zhHxLo7 Tell: Tom Nook Jack-in-the-Box Code: NmxIGWIeSLYAAC DriMwbzCGvFs&Q Tell: Villager Jack-o'-Lantern Code: 2%Q2fhMURByAY3 Z5yYAK9zNHxLo7 Tell: Tom Nook Jack-o'-Lantern Code: 2%Q2fhMeRByAY3 Z5yYAK9zcHxLo7 Tell: Villager Jasmine Bonsai 2%Q2fhVeRByAY3 O5yYAK9zNHxLo7 Tell: Tom Nook Jingle Bed Code: aPShHyYoeR685b afvBlkwcRCmqi3 Tell: Tom Nook Jingle Dresser Code: 11AcKGI9JE#Jf@ gHceoBLdG7Y%PE Tell: Tom Nook Jingle Lamp Code: aPShDyYoeR685b afTBlkwcRCmqi3 Tell: Tom Nook Jingle Piano Code: aDShHyYoeR685b afEBlkwcRCmqi3 Tell: Tom Nook Jingle Sofa Code: aPShDyYoeR685b afhBlkwcRCmqi3 Tell: Tom Nook Jingle Table Code: lLhuwvEDA33emA dbgnvzbCvBAsyU Tell:Tom Nook Jukebox Code: a#S8UItokM6850 h%LO&kwcRCmqi3 Tell: Tom Nook Kayak Code: 4i9xES@sTRJhAA shO9cb#9UaKHo4 Tell: Tom Nook Kiddie Bookcase Code: aPSLHyYoeR685b afoBlkwcRCmqi3 Tell: Tom Nook Kiddie Stereo Code: 6LhuwvEDA23fmA dbgnvzbCIBAsyU Tell: Tom Nook Kiddie Table Code: QtiXgIAGfe2AI7 WwBZBBWW&PulBc Tell: Tom Nook K.K. Condor Code: Oqtjq2f&4MOru9 IM8dr2pYkxqla# Tell: Tom Nook K. K. "I Love you" Code: 69UFKKdcMs%Qrs ij#H@ooBWlWok5 Tell: Tom Nook K.K. "Only Me" Code: 69UIKKdcMs%Qrs nj#H@ooBWIWok5 Tell: Tom Nook KK Rock Code: 69UIKkdcMs%Qrs nj#H@ooBWlWOk5 Tell: Tom Nook K.K. Ska Code: 1CT1DOY4k36851 r4#613wcRCmqir Tell: Tom Nook K.K. Steppe Code: 3%J%wCcdSxWiIt givJMjsAznGVDB Tell: Tom Nook K.K. Western Code: Pi9xAT@bUEioH8 sz09bc#9pbFKb4 Tell: Tom Nook Koopa Shell Code: Bi9xES@sTRJsAA shO9cb#9UaKHs4 Tell: Tom Nook Lady Liberty Code: LLhOwvrDA23fmt dsgnvzbCvBAsyd Tell: Tom Nook Lantern Code: zkT1D0Y4k36851 847613wcRCmqir Tell: Tom Nook Lawn Mower Code: fi9xES@sTRJhAA sh09cb#9UaKH84 Tell: Tom Nook Leaning Stone 2%Q2fhVeRByAY3 O5yYAK9znHxLo7 Tell: Tom Nook Lefty Desk Code: aPKhDyYoeR685b afZBlkwcRCmqi3 Tell: Tom Nook Lemon Table Code: NmxIGWIeSLYAAB trwMwbzCGvFs&Q Tell: Tom Nook Lemon Table: umxIGWIeHLYAAB trwMwbzCGvFs&Q Tell: Villager Lighthouse Model Code: aRSLDyYoeR685b afoBlkwcRCmqi3 Tell: Tom Nook Locomotive Model Code: a&SLDyYoeR685b afRBlkwcRCmqi3 Tell: Tom Nook Lovely Armchair Code: Q6&6KQom9DzR35 8fLDC4%EEpCmiR Tell: Tom Nook Lovely End Table Code: 4u&x5fw9GINwLS 9ljjHSoLwZMD7& Tell: Tom Nook Lovely Kitchen Code: B6&6KQom9DzR35 kfLDC4%EEpCmiR Tell: Tom Nook Luigi Trophy Code: BCQ4iZFK%i5xqo SnyrjcrwAeDMkQ Tell: Tom Nook Lunar Lander 2%Q2fhMehAyAY3 O5yYAK9zaHxLo7 Tell: Tom Nook Manor Model Code: aRShHyYoeR685b af&BlkwcRCmqi3 Tell: Tom Nook Mega Alloid Code: aPFhDyYoeR%85b ufkBlkwcRCmqi3 Tell: Villager Mega Bovoid Code: Aq%cugkN&in76h V%TIL3HUo3QYbd Tell: Tom Nook Mega Buzziod Code: Aq%cugkN&in76h V%TIL3HUo3QYEd Tell: Tom Nook Mega Croakoid Code: 3Na1DOY4Q36851 &In613Rc%Cmqir Tell: Tom Nook Mega Dinkoid 2%Q2fhVtRByAY3 Z5yYAK9zaHxLo7 Tell: Tom Nook Mega Drilloid Code: Di9GES@sTRJsAA sq09cb39UaKHs1 Tell: Tom Nook Mega Fizzoid 2%Q2fhVthAyAY3 Z5yYAK9zpHxLo7 Tell: Tom Nook Mega Gongoid Code: 2%42fhVtRByAY3 Z5yYAK9zfHxLo7 Tell: Tom Nook Mega Harmonoid Code: Si9xES@sTRJsYY sh09cb#9Vak#I1 Tell: Tom Nook Mega Lullaloid Code: fi9xES@sTRJsAA sh09cb#9UaKHs3 Tell: Tom Nook Mega Oboid Code: aPShDyYoeR685b afLOlkwcRCmqi3 Tell: Tom Nook Mega Percoloid Code: Di9xES@sTRJsAA sq09cb39Vak#83 Tell: Tom Nook Mega Plinkoid aPShDyYoeR685b afDOlkwcRCmqi3 Tell: Tom Nook Mega Puffoid Code: fi9xES@sTRJsAA sh09cb39Vak#I8 Tell: Tom Nook Mega Quazoid Code: 2%Q3fhMiRByAY3 Z5yAYK9zcHxLo7 Tell: Villager Mega Sproid AscNVAY#qoI4 I5X@dSEdWEKbOV Tell: Villager Mega Squelchoid Code: Di9xES@sTRJsAA sq09cb39vek#z1 Tell: Tom Nook Metatoid Code: Aq%cugkN&in76h y%TIL3HUo3QYEd Tell: Tom Nook Miniature Car Code: aRShDyYoeR685b PfqBlkwcRCmqi3 Tell: Tom Nook Mini Buzzoid Code: Aq%cugkN&in76h y%TIL3HUo3QYqg Tell: Tom Nook Mini Drilloid Code: Di9GES@sTRJyAA sq09cb39UaKHs1 Tell: Tom Nook Mini Echoid 2%Q2fhVthAyAY3 O5yYAK9z@HxLo7 Tell: Tom Nook Mini Fizzoid Code 2%Q3EhMtRByAY3 n5yYAK9zgHxLo7 Tell: Tom Nook Mini Fizzoid Code: 2%Q3EhMtRByAY3 n5yYAK9zlHxLo7 Tell: Villager Mini Harminoid 1FThDOY4k36851 84U613wcRCmqir Tell: Tom Nook Mini Howloid Code: 1CT1DOY4k36851 84#613wcRCmqir Tell: Tom Nook Mini Lulaboid Code: Ai#9ES@sTRJsAA sh09cb#9Vak9I8 Tell: Tom Nook Mini Nebuloid Code: Di9xES@sTRJsAA sq09cb39vqk#01 Tell: Tom Nook Mini Rhythmoid Code: Ai9xES@sTRMsYY sh09cb#9UaKHI1 Tell: Tom Nook Mini Rustoid Code: 1FThDOY4k36851 84s613wcRCmqir Tell: Tom Nook Mini Sproid Code: aq%iugkN&in76h y%TIL3HUo3QYEd Tell: Tom Nook Mini Sputnoid 2%Q2fhMthAyAY3 O5yYAK9zxHxLo7 Tell: Tom Nook Mini Warbloid Code: Aq%cugkN&in76h y%TIL3HUo3QYEu Tell: Tom Nook Modern Desk Code: TGGu@@Zzfuq#0z z3Nn27IGVlmPGG Tell: Tom Nook Modern Dresser Code: riPiES@LTRJmAA shO9cb#9Uh9wO4 Tell: Tom Nook Modern Lamp Code: b6ZsCg6gM%RJud yqq2dhMduKC&Dr Tell: Villager Modern Sofa: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx S62Y2JIF0GE@iz Tell: Villager Museum Model Code: LLhOwvrDA22fmt dagnvzbCvBAsyU Tell: Tom Nook Naomi Figurine Code: Q6&6KQom9DzR35 kfyDC4%EEpCmiR Tell: Tom Nook Neutral Corner Code: Di9xES@sTRJsYY sqO9cb#3UaKHL5 Tell: Tom Nook Neutral Corner Code: 4UFdTp48GZ3HW3 dw#%jtLEqj5ZBf Tell: Villager N Logo Code: MuQx5fw9GINwLS 9ljjHSoLwZMD7& Tell: Tom Nook Noisemaker Code: Di9xES@sTRMsYY sqO9cb#9Vak#84 Tell: Tom Nook Oboid Code: 8i9xES@sTRJsAA sh09cb#9UaKH67 Tell: Tom Nook Odd Clock Code: aDShDyYoeR685b afZBlkwcRCmqi3 Tell: Tom Nook Odd Clock: WDShDyYoeR685b HVZBlkwcRCmqi3 Tell: Villager Oombloid 2%Q2fhVthAyAY3 Z5yYAK9zCHxLo7 Tell: Tom Nook Orange Box Code: rNkGuNubwCYx4O Op5XbBP6PxGsc9 Tell: Villager Owl Clock Code: aPSLDyYoeR685b afoBlkwcRCmqi3 Tell: Tom Nook Papa Bear Code: 11ACK6I9JE#Jf@ gHCeoBLaa7y%PE Tell: Tom Nook Pansy Model 1 Code: fi9GES@sTRJhAA sq09cb#9UaKHL4 Tell: Tom Nook Pansy Model 2 Code: Di9xES@sTRJqAA shO9cb@9UcIO84 Tell: Villager Pear Dresser Code: 5iPiES@LTRJmAA shO9cb#9Uh9wO4 Tell: Tom Nook Pear Wardrobe Code: 11AcKGI9JE#Jf@ gHcE3BLdG7Y%PE Tell: Villager Pine Chair Code: NmxIGWIeSLYAAC t6sMwbzCGvFs&b Tell: Tom Nook Pink Tree Model Code: aRShHyYoeR685b afBBlkwcRCmqi3 Tell: Tom Nook Plate Armor Code: a&ShHyYoeR685b af%BlkwcRCmqi3 Tell: Tom Nook Plinkoid Code: Ai#9ES@sTRJsAA sh09cb39Vak#I8 Tell: Tom Nook Plinkoid Code: Di9GES@sTRJsYY sh09cb39Vak#q1 Tell: Villager Pond Lantern Code: NmxIGWIeSLYAAC u6iMwbzCGvFsn& Tell: Tom Nook Propane Stove Code: Bi9xES@sTRJsYY sh09cb#9UaKHI4 Tell: Tom Nook Propane Stove Code: GSgE&zpk3NzKqc paV#9GrTzxiyCd Tell: Villager Quazoid Code: dq%cugkN&in76h V%TIL3HUo3QYbu Tell: Tom Nook Question Block Code: vi9GES@sTRJhAA sh09cb#9UaKHL4 Tell: Tom Nook Quince Bonsai Code: 2%Q2fhMNRByAY3 05yYAK9zNHxLo7 Tell: Tom Nook Red Boom Box Code: aDShDyYoeR685b afBBlkwcRCmqi3 Tell: Tom Nook Red Corner Code: Si9xES@sTRJsYY sh09cb#9Vak#I4 Tell: Tom Nook Regal Armoire Code: 5iPiES@sTRJmAA shO9cb#9Uh9wO4 Tell: Tom Nook Regal Bed 2%Q2fhVthAyAY3 O5yYAK9zjHxLo7 Tell: Tom Nook Regal Chair Code: Q6&6KQom9DzR35 DfyDC4%EEpCmiR Tell: Tom Nook Regal Lamp Code: 2%Q3fhMKRByAY3 Z5yYAK9zNHxLo7 Tell: Tom Nook Regal Sofa Code: 2%QYfhMdRByAY3 O5yYAK9zNHxLo7 Tell:Tom Nook Regal Table Code: Mu&x5fw9GINwLS 9ljjHSoLwZMD7& Tell: Tom Nook Retro Stereo Code: B6&6KQom9DzR35 RfLDC4%EEpCmiR Tell: Tom Nook Retro TV Code: B6&6KQom9DzR35 DfoDC4%EEpCmiR Tell: Tom Nook Rhythmoid Code: Ni9xES@sTRJhAA sh09cb#9UaKHBE Tell: Tom Nook Ringside Table Code: 1kThDOY4k36851 84U613wcRCmqir Tell: Tom Nook Rockin K.K. Code: 69UiKKdcMs%Qrs nj#H@ooBWlWok5 Tell: Tom Nook Round Cactus Code: NmxIGWIeSLYAAC u6iMwbzCGvFsnj Tell: Tom Nook Ruby-Econo Chair Code: B6&6KQom9DzR35 8foDC4%EEpCmiR Tell: Tom Nook Samurai Suit Code: aPShHyYoeR685b afBBlkwcRCmqi3 Tell: Tom Nook Saw Horse Code: vP5hDyYoeR685b afZBlkwcRCmqiR Tell: Tom Nook Scale Code: 2%Q2fhMdRbyAY3 O5yYAK9zNHxLo7 Tell: Tom Nook Shop Model Code: alShDyYoeR685b PfbBlkwcRCmqi3 Tell: Tom Nook Sleeping Bag Code: Ai9xES@sTRJsAA shO9cb#7UaKHl4 Tell: Tom Nook Slim Nebuloid Code: 1FThDOY4k36851 84#613wcRCmqir Tell: Tom Nook Slim Quazoid Code: Vi9xES@sTRMsYA shO9cb39UaKHs3 Tell: Tom Nook Snowman Code: a&ShHyYoeR685b afyBlkwcRCmqi3 Tell: Tom Nook Space Heater Code: 11ACKGI9JE#JF@ GHCEOBLDG7Y%PE Tell: Tom Nook Space Shuttle Code: 2%Q2fhMKhAyAY3 Z5yYAK9zNHxLo7 Tell: Tom Nook Space Station Code: 2%42fhMtRByAY3 Z5yYAK9zfHxLo7 Tell: Tom Nook Speed Bag Code: 4i9GES@sTRJsAA sqO9cb#9UaKHI4 Tell: Tom Nook Speed Sign Code: vPYhDyYoeR685b afZBlkwcRCmqiR Tell: Tom Nook Spooky Clock Code: 2%Q2fhMKRByAY3 05yYAK9zNHxLo7 Tell: Tom Nook Spooky Dresser Code: riPiES@sTRJmAA shO9cb#9Uh9wO4 Tell: Tom Nook Spooky Sofa 2%Q2fhVehAyAY3 O5yYAK9zJHxLo7 Tell: Tom Nook Spooky Table Code: 2%Q3EhMeRByAY3 Z5yYAK9zcHxLo7 Tell: Villager Spooky Vanity Code: 2%Q2fhMdRByAY3 O5yYAK9zNHxLo7 Tell: Tom Nook Spooky Vanity 2%Q3EhMtRByAY3 n5yYAK9zdHxLo7 Tell: Villager Spooky Wardrobe 2%Q8SuMeRByAY3 K5yYAK9zAHxLo7 Tell: Villager Sprinkler Code: Ai9xES@sTyJsYY shO9cb#9UaKHL4 Tell: Tom Nook Squat Nebuloid Code: Di9xES@sTRJsAA sh09cb39vqk#01 Tell: Tom Nook Squelchoid Code: Ni9xES@sTRJhAA shO9cb37UaKHLE Tell: Tom Nook Standing Stone Code: 2%QzfhVeRByAY3 O5yYAK9zNHyLo7 Tell: Tom Nook Starman Code: Ai9xES@sTRJsYY sh09cb#9UaKHI4 Tell: Tom Nook Station Model 1 Code: 1LhOwvrDA23fmt dsgnvzbCIBAsyd Tell: Tom Nook Station Model 2 Code: a&SLHyYoeR685b afqBlkwcRCmqi3 Tell: Tom Nook Station Model 6 Code: a&SLDyYoeR685b afoBlkwcRCmqi3 Tell: Tom Nook Station Model 11 Code: ILhOwvrDA23fmt dsgnvzbCIBAsyd Tell: Tom Nook Station Model 13 Code: aRSLHyYoeR685b afoBlkwcRCmqi3 Tell: Tom Nook Station Model 14 Code: aRSLDyYoeR685b afRBlkwcRCmqi3 Tell: Tom Nook Strange Painting Code: NmxIGWIeSLYAAC u6iMwbzCGvFsnQ Tell: Tom Nook Stone Coin Code: aPShDyYoeR685b PfBBlkwcRCmqi3 Tell: Tom Nook Stone Couple 2%Q2fhVehAyAY3 Z5yYAK9zpHxLo7 Tell: Tom Nook Strumbloid Code: Vi9xES@sTRMsAA shO9cb39UaKHs1 Tell: Tom Nook Super Mushroom Code: SiMGES@sTRJsYY sh09cb39Vak#I4 Tell: Tom Nook Super Mushroom Code: Si9GES@sTRJsYY sh09cb39Vak#I4 Tell: Villager Table Tennis Code: NmxIGWIeSLYAAC u6iMwbzCGvFs&j Tell: Tom Nook Taiko Drum Code: H8aL%@Oyl2@DSf EcC6YLYybGMoMy Tell: Villager Tailor Model Code: a&SLHyYoeR685b afQBlkwcRCmqi3 Tell: Tom Nook Tall Buzzoid Code: 3ea1DOY4Q36851 &In613Rc%Cmqir Tell: Tom Nook Tall Clankoid Code: aq%cugkN&in76h V%TIL3HUo3QYEu Tell:Tom Nook Tall Echoid: 2%Q3EhMtRByAY3 Z5yYAK9zxHxLo7 Tell: Tom Nook Tall Lamentoid Code: gfc82NV1Y#zoI4 I5X@qSEncEKbOV Tell: Tom Nook Tall Lullaboid Code: Ni9GES@sTRUhYY sh09cb#9UaKHB3 Tell: Tom Nook Tall Oboid Code: 1CT1DOY4k36851 84I613wcRCmqir Tell: Tom Nook Tall Oombloid Code: 2%42fhMtRByAY3 O5yYAK9zeHxLo7 Tell: Tom Nook Tall Poltergoid Code: Fsy74NV1Y#zoI4 I5X@qSEdcEKbOV Tell to: Tom Nook Tall Puffoid Code: Ai9xES@sTRJsYY sh09cb49UaKHL3 Tell: Tom Nook Tall Nebuloid Code: Ai9xES@sTRJsAA sh09cb#9UaKHI3 Tell: Tom Nook Tall Sputnoid 2%Q2fhVtRByAY3 O5yYAK9zfHxLo7 Tell: Tom Nook Tall Strumboid Code: gi9xES@sTRMsYA sAO9cb39UaKHA3 Tell: Tom Nook Tape Deck Code: aPSLDyYoeR685b afZBlkwcRCmqi3 Tell: Tom Nook Tatami Floor Code: li9xES@sTRJsAY sqodcb#3UaKHs3 Tell: Villager Tea Set Code: 2%Q2fhMKRByAY3 Z5yYAK9zNHxLo7 Tell: Tom Nook Tennis Code: jePccCvLTRJoBA pcddkwe9ej9rO4 Tell: Villager Tent Model Code: Ai9xES@sTRJsYY sh09cb#9Vak#I4 Tell: Tom Nook Timpano Drum Code: 4u&x5fw9GINwLS fljjHSoLwZMD7& Tell: Tom Nook Track Model Code: a&SLeyYoeR685b afRBlkwcRCmqi3 Tell: Tom Nook Trash Bin 2%Q2fhVehAyAY3 O5yYAK9zgHxLo7 Tell: Tom Nook T-Rex Skull QtiXgIAGfe2AI7 WwBZBBWW#PulBc Tell: Tom Nook T-Rex Tail Code: 1LhuwvEDA22fmA dbgnvzbCvBAsyU Tell: Tom Nook Tricera Skull Code: aDSLHyYoeR685b afBBlkwcRCmqi3 Tell: Tom Nook Tulip Model 1 Code: Di9GES@sTRJhYY sq09cb#3UaKHP5 Tell: Tom Nook Tulip Model 2 Code: Di9xES@sTRJhYY scO9cb#9UaKHL4 Tell: Tom Nook Tulip Model 3 Code: fi9xES@sTRJsYY sc09cb#9Vak#I4 Tell: Tom Nook Tulip Model 3 Code: Ai9@ES@sTRJsYY sh09cb38Vak#I4 Vaulting Horse Code: umxIGWIxSLYAAB trwMwbzCGvFs&Q Tell: Tom Nook Violin 2%Q2fhMehAyAY3 Z5yYAK9z@HxLo7 Tell: Tom Nook Wagon Wheel Code: 1i9xES@sTRJsYY sh09cb39UaKHL4 Tell:Tom Nook Watering Trough vPdhDyYoei685b afZBlkwcRCmqi3 Tell: Tom Nook Watermelon Table Code: cAQifhGeBsyjYc yqyYAKxjeFdjop Tell: Tom Nook Warbloid Code: aq%cugkN&in76h y%TIL3HUo3QYEd Tell: Tom Nook Weight Bench Code: Bi9xES@sTRJsYY sh09cb39UaKHL4 Tell: Tom Nook Well Code: vi9GES@sTRJhAA sh09cb@9UaKHL4 Tell: Tom Nook Well Model Code: a&ShHyYoeR685b afABlkwcRCmqi3 Tell: Tom Nook White Golf Bag Code: Q6&6KQom9DzR35 RfyDC4%EEpCmiR Tell: Tom Nook White King Code: aPShDyYoeR685b afbBlkwcRCmqi3 Tell: Tom Nook White Knight Code: BiPiES@sTRJmAA shO9cb#9Uh9HO4 Tell: Villager White Pawn Code: RtiXgIAGfe2AI7 WwBZBBWW#Pulyc Tell: Tom Nook White Queen Code: aPShDyYoeR685b af%BlkwcRCmqi3 Tell: Tom Nook White Rook Code: aPSLHyYoeR685b afxBlkwcRCmqi3 Tell: Tom Nook Writing Chair Code: Q6&6KQom9DzR35 DfkDC4%EEpCmiR Tell: Tom Nook Yellow Pinwheel Code: cAQifhGeBsyjYc EqyYAKxjeFdjop Tell: Tom Nook Yuki Figurine Code: B6&6KQom9DzR35 kfoDC4%EEpCmiR Tell: Tom Nook The Basics Ok if your going to play animal crossing everyday as if you life depends on it then listen up to me over here... 1). if your the first person to EVER play the game and i mean you bought it brand new and took it out of the plastic you will get a letter from the nes company giving you a game or two. 2). After your done working for Tom Nook on your first day you have your bill to pay. Pay it off with your money. After you pay it off hell upgrade your house bigger and hell ask you to be part of the HRC. Just say yes they just judge you house on a piont system and yes they will give you Cash and games if your points are high enough... If you get Gyroids dont sell them no matter how ugly they look and keep them up stairs if you get a basment dont put them down there bec your basment isnt judged so throw your junk down there. If you do feng shui the right way your points will also rise... 3). Fung Shui... Red to the East Green to the North Orange to the South Yellow to the West 4). The biggest you can get your house is to a second story so after that thats your last payment you have to make with Tom Nook. 5). Always carry an extra shovel on you no matter what. Now when your waking aroung the town and find a shiny spot on the ground and dig there your going to get some bells now you can eather bury 100 bells back in the ground and a tree will sprout and if you bury the shovel a tree will spout too but after that fast forward the days a bit and dont mind the coack roaches you can kill them and weeds are weeds you can get rid of them but if you buryed money a full tree should have grown if it was in a good sunny spot it will be a money tree and you can shake it and get the money...But if you did the shovel it will be a shovel tree and it will only grow if its in a good spot reamber dont do it is its right next to a tree , pound,river,beach or next to somones house... it wont grow... but eif it does grow the tree will grow shovels and everyonce in a while a golden shovel will grow on it. now no matter where you dig with the golden shovel you will find bells... 6). Now with thoughs weeds that cause you so much pain... From 2 am to 4 am there is a host in the feild and askes you to capture his 5 ghost froends or what not you capture them with your net and return them to him. now if you do it hell eather A) give you a really cool preasent if you ask. or B) get ride of all the weeds.(i pick the weeks you can always get cool stuff off the sailor that drifts to the beach from time to time.) 7). Find your ilander her favorit fruit...experiment with friut go to another town with another memory card or mabey your parnts or someone in town ill trade you some friut but get a bunch of fruit take it over to the iland and drop it on the ground now when up go bad to the main land use the gba's to keep track of the iland no using the gba click on there hut and thell come out, pick up the friut and dag it over to where they are and drop it infront of them after a while they drop money bags and with there favorit fruit thell drop sacs of 30,000 bells but make sure you kkepp directing them away form the bells put the bells in a safe place they will take them... 9. give your ilander a shovel and a fishing rode and they will use them and dig or fish stuff up and you can put it in a safe place. when she fishes sometimes shell catch a treasure chest and thats stuff not money its cloths and funature... NES nostalgia In animal crossing you can get old NES games, including mario bros, ice climbers, tennis, donkey kong and others.You can play them at the GCN and the GBA. You can get games at theses ways. The first player who start in a memory card will get 2 games.In xmas you'll get a game, in your birthday too.If you get 5 tickets in tom nook's store you get a game. Secret Character How to Meet K.K.slider the singing dog:Go to the train station a 8:00 pm on a saturday night in real time! Quick money A lot of money: on new years (January 1st) at the post office a message from your parents will appear at the post office (i think its there) and it will wish you good health and luck...yada yada yada....the good part is it comes with a bag of 10,000 bells!!! treasure hunt: if you have the shovel (to get complete the tasks given to you at the store then buy it for 500 bells) and find a place in your town where light seems to be coming from the ground, if you dig that up then you get 1,000 bells (Note: you can do this as many times as you want but only once per day) fruit: on trees some fruit will grow if you shake the trees it will fall, fruit sells for 100 bells a piece...not much.....BUT!!! if you get a fruit that's not native to your town then you can sell it for 500 bells!(eg. say my town has trees that grow cherries, if i get him an orange he will give me 500 instead of 100 because an orange isn't common at my town)Note: fruit re-grows after you leave a store/house sea shells: you can pick up the sea shells at the beach and sell them...prices vary from shell to shell by what type they are. *Note: see note for the fruit lighten pockets: item section full??? got furniture or cloths you don't like????? you have 2 options you could: 1) sell them and make some profit or- 2) talk to the pot/fire hydrant looking thing and you can save items in there ***Note***: you can also talk to him and save Early Christmas To get an early Christmas put the date on your gamecube to Dec 25 of any year. Then when you play the game it will be Christmas! Money Tree Walk around the town and eventually you'll come across a glowing spot on the ground. If you have the shovel (you can buy it from Nook after completing his tasks) you should dig on that spot. You should unearth 1,000 bells. Then get 100 bells out of your pocket and bury it where you got the 1,000 bells. A money tree will grow where you buried the bells! Apollos Wake-up Time Apollo wakes up at 10:00am. Easy Money Make two files of Animal Crossing on two different memory cards. Then go two one of the towns that has a different native fuirt. Then pick as many as you can then come back to your oringnal town and sell all the different fruit. The most money you can get is 7,500 bells. WARNING DON'T ERASE THE OTHER TOWN OR YOU WILL LOSE MONEY!! Golden Shovel You must have two shovels to do this. Then find the spot on the ground that has the light coming out of it. Dig there then bury one shovel. Cover it up with the other shovel and wait for some days. It will come out golden!!! 8000 bell Moon On the night of the harvest moon (September 21) go and talk to the mayor. He will be along the river somewhere. He will give you a "Full Moon". Cash it in with Tom for 8000 bells! (only one moon per person) Pay off your debt There is a quick and easy way to pay off your debt to Tom Nook. At the beginning of the game, when you see the animal asking if you're ready to go, select other opions, more options, and then set clock. Set the clock to Jan 1st. Check in your mail and there will be a letter with 10,000 bells in it. Save and repeat this process, adding on another year every time. Once you are done, deposit or keep the money, and change the clock back to normal time. The only side effect is that weeds have now grown all over your town. But dont worry about that. It took me about 45 minuets to take them all out. Anyway, I would only recommend doing this if you are paying back your second payment for your larger room because pulling up weeds is annoying. If you talk to him, he'll ask you if you want to upgrade your house, or add a basement. The choice is yours, but I would definitely recommend a basement to store junk. (the HRA doesnt check your basement:-) Ghost Busters(who ya gonna call) Okay, my friend and I have found out a ghost appears at 2:00 A.M.(do this on a Friday)in the field. Remember, this is real time. You may want to set the clock on the gamecube. Now go to the ghost and talk to 'em. He will tell you to capture his pals with a net. I think there's five ghosts. do this and he'll give you something nice. Ghost Buster OK,If your town gets overrun by weed(THINGS THAT LOOK LIKE GRASS)A Ghostly figure will apear at midnight until 4:00 am he'll ask you to catch five spirits with your net when you do he'll grant you one ok many wish's one to clear your town of weed's. Speedy Mail Tired of waiting for your ordered mail from Nook? Just visit another town, go back home and check your mailbox. There's your item! Dupicate Items What you need for this: 2 GBAs Time(due to riding boat 6 times) First hook up one GBA using the GCN/GBA cable, go to the Kapp'n at the dock and ride to the island with the item(s) you want to dupicate. On the island drop all items you wish to duplicate. Go back the Kapp'n and save the island to the first GBA. Once you are back on the mainland unplug GBA 1 and plug in GBA 2 move up one screen then back down to the Kapp'n. Use the GBA 2 to get to the island(if you use 1 it will not work). On the island pick up all the items then head back to the mainland. Once back take the boat again using GBA 1 this time. (It will load the island as it was before you took everything back.) Take the items again and thats it! You can duplicate anything even money(make money bags) Shell Prices Okay, I have a list of how many bells you get for a certain type of shell. Lion's Paw: 20 bells Wentletrap: 30 bells Porcelleta: 60 bells Venus Comb: 150 bells Coral: 250 bells Conch: 350 bells White Scallop: 450 bells Shake the bees If you happen to shake a tree and bees come after if you happen to have a umbrella and twirl it it will hit all the bees off. Fish'n for money. On your game if you have your fishing pole with you you have to go down to the ocean located at the bottom of your town you'll see fish figures throw your pole out and if you catch a "Barred knifejaw" he's worth $5,000 dollars. Or if you catch a "Red snapper" he'll be worth $3,000 dollars...But heed my words you need to release all the "Sea bass" because they are worth only $120 dollars. The Best Ways To Earn Money! 1. Catch lots of Migrotary Locests, then sell them. 15 equals more than 20,000 bells. 2. Do chores, keep stuff you like and sell stuff you don't. 3. Sell things the mayor gives you!! Example: I got a moon on the harvest moon night, sold it for 8,000. Got a bronze metal from the sports fair, 10,800!! 4. Never send furniture to your friends with letters! Go to the beach and get a shell for a present! 5. Sell fossils the museum already has! One thing more is that a bird will be washed up on shore every once in a while. He'll give you cool items if you save him. Don't sell these, you can never get them again and they only sell for about 2,000 bells. Keep paying loans! Fish Prices Tom Nooks Purchasing Prices for fish are as follows:(In Bells) Crucian Carp-120, Catfish-200, Small Bass-200, Barbel Steed-200, Dace-200, Bluegill-120, Koi-2000, Bitterling-1300, Loach-300, Carp-300, Pale Chub-200, Large Bass-3000, Brook Trout-150, Giant Catfish-3000, Bass-300, Giant Snakehead-6500, Salmon-650, Killifish-300, Pond Smelt-300, Angelfish-3000, Barred Jawknife-5000, Large Char-10000, Frog-250, Freshwater Goby-300, Guppy-1300, Red Snapper-3000, Rainbow Trout-650, Eel-2000, Popeyed Goldfish-1300, Sea Bass-120, Cherry Salmon-1300, Arowana-10000, Stringfish-15000, Goldfish-1300, Jellyfish-100, Sweetfish-1300, Piranha-6500, Arapaima-10000, Crawfish-250, and the Big Daddy Coelacanth, which you can only catch at the ocean while it's raining (He'll be the biggest shadow you see). It hauls in 15,000 bells, or a piece in museum history. Get 13,300 bells! First, you will need to get a shovel at Nook's for 500 bells. Then, go through town hitting every rock. Before you hit each one, dig holes around you so you don't get recoil after hitting the rock. If the rock turns red, then you will get 100 bells the first 3 times you hit it. Then you will get 1,000 bells the 3 times after that. If you can it it a 7th time, you will get 10,000 bells. Don't stop to collect the bells. They will always be there until you pick them up. The total of getting all of the bells is 13,300! Golden fishing rod Successfully capture all the breeds of fish at least once.Then talk to Tormiter(the mayor). He will reward you with a fish weather vane and a golden fishing rod. Special Rocks If you need money this will help. First buy a shovel. Next, start hitting any rocks in your town. When you hit a certain rock,it will turn red and money will come out. Keep hitting it until it turns gray again. The most you can get is 6 bags.3 with 100 and 3 with 1000. Money Bees When you grab a tree and shake it, some times you get bees. Well those bees are worth 4,500 bells each. Right when you shake the tree switch to your butterfly net and at the right second strike and sell. Submitted By : fred only on rainy days go to the sea and fish you should catch red snappers 3000 bells and the liveing fossel 15000 bells if your lucky you can make 70000 bells in a hour. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Animal Crossing cheat codes.
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